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Publications 2005

In the TKK- publications register you can find all the publications

Publications in Scientific Journals, Monographs, Books

Fras, L.; Johansson, L.-S.; Stenius, P.; Laine, J.; Stana-Kleinschek, K.; Ribitsch, V.
Analysis of the oxidation of cellulose fibres by titration and XPS. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2005 . Vol. 260, nro 1-3, pp. 101-108.
Keywords: cotton fibres, cellulose fibres, oxidation of fibres, acid groups in fibres, titration of fibres, XPS of fibres

Gaidamauskas, Ernestas; Norkus, Eugenijus; Vaiciuniene, Jurate; Crans, Debbie C.; Vuorinen, Tapani; Jaciauskiene, Jane; Baltrunas, Gintaras
Evidence of two-step deprotonation of D-mannitol in aqueous solution.
Carbohydrate Research, 2005 . Vol. 340, pp. 1553 - 1556.
Keywords: pKa, 13C NMR, potentiometry, metal ion chelation

Jääskeläinen. Anna-Stiina; Saariaho, Anna-Maija; Vuorinen, Tapani
Quantification of lignin and hexenuronic acid in bleached hardwood kraft pulps: a new calibration method for UVRR spectroscopy and evaluation of the conventional methods.
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 2005 . Vol. 25, pp. 51-65.
Electronic publication   http://www.metapress.com/media/9BPPYLMXV8KG4D2V9XAW/Contributions/N/6/W/5 /N6W570P2005T2021.pdf
Keywords: hardwood kraft pulp, hexenuronic acid, kappa number, Klason lignin, lignin content determination,, UV resonance Raman spectroscopy

Koljonen, Krista; Stenius, Per
Surface characterisation of single fibres from mechanical pulps by contact angle measurements.
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 2005 . Vol. 20, nro 1, pp. 107-113.
Keywords: chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP), contact angle, pressure groundwood (PGW), surface extractives, surface lignin, thermomechanical pulp (TMP), wetting, Wilhelmy balance

Kontturi, Eero; Henricson, Kaj; Vehmaa, Janne; Vuorinen, Tapani
Quantification method for hydrogen peroxide formation during oxygen delignification of kraft pulp.
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 2005 . Vol. 20, nro 4, pp. 490-495.
Keywords: oxygen delignification, hydrogen peroxide, selectivity, phenylglyoxylic acid, hydroxyl radical, oxidised liquor

Kontturi, Eero; Thüne, Peter; Alexeev, Alexander; Niemantsverdriet, J.W.
Open films of nanosized cellulose - atomic force microscopy and quantification of morphology.
Polymer, 2005 . Vol. 46, pp. 3307-3317.
Electronic publication   http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?ob=MImg&imagekey=B6TXW-4FSNXTX-3-M&c di=5601&user=952938&orig=browse&coverDate=04%2F25%2F2005&sk=999539989&view=c&wch p=dGLbVlz-zSkzV&md5=b4f0899314847bd51a8847d9b3551c9e&ie=/sdarticle.pdf Keywords: atomic force microscopy, cellulose model surface, open film

Kontturi, Eero; Thüne, Peter C.; Niemantsverdriet, J.W.
Trimethylsilylcellulose/Polystyrene Blends as a Means to Construct Cellulose Domains on Cellulose.
Macromolecules, 2005 . Vol. 38, nro 26, pp. 10712-10720.
Electronic publication   http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/article.cgi/mamobx/2005/38/i26/pdf/ma0504419.pdf
Keywords: polymer blends, cellulose, model surface, AFM, open films

Lindfors, Juha; Ahola, Susanna; Kallio, Timo; Laine, Janne; Stenius, Per; Danielsson, Mikael
Spreading and adhesion of ASA on different surfaces present in paper machines.
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 2005 . Vol. 20, nro 4, pp. 453-458.
Keywords: Alkenyl succinic anhydride, Paper machine, Adhesion, Contamination, Deposits, Hydrophobing agent

Lindfors, Juha; Ylisuvanto, Susanna; Kallio, Timo; Laine, Janne; Stenius, Per
Spreading and adhesion of ASA on hydrophilic and hydrophobic SiO2.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2005 . Nro 256, pp. 217-224.
Electronic publication   http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0927775705000828
Keywords: alkenyl succinic anhydride, paper machine, adhesion, contamination, hydrophobing agent

Maximova, Natalia; Laine, Janne; Stenius, Per
Adsorption of lignin-cationic starch complexes on cellulose fibres and their effect on sheet properties.
Paperi ja Puu, 2005 . Vol. 87, nro 3, s. 176-182.
Keywords: cationic starch, lignin, complexes, adsorption, fibres, paper properties

Mononen, Kirsi; Jääskeläinen, Anna-Stiina; Alvila, Leila; Pakkanen, Tuula T.; Vuorinen, T.
Chemical changes in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood caused by hydrogen peroxide bleaching and monitored by color measurement (CIELab) and UV-Vis, FTIR and UVRR spectroscopy.
Holzforschung, 2005 . Vol. 59, pp. 381-388.
Electronic publication   http://www.extenza-eps.com/extenza/loadPDF?objectIDValue=65828 Keywords: Betula pendula Roth, birch, bleaching, CIE-Lab, Fourier-transform infrared hydrogen peroxide,, spectroscopy, UV-visible, UV resonance Raman

Potthast, Antje; Rosenau, Thomas; Kosma, Paul; Saariaho, Anna-Maija; Vuorinen, Tapani
On the nature of carbonyl groups in cellulosic pulps.
Cellulose, 2005 . Vol. 12, nro 1, pp. 43-50.
Keywords: carbonyl groups, CCOA method, cellulose, fluorescence labeling, UV resonance Raman spectroscopy

Ruuttunen, Kyösti; Vuorinen, Tapani
Developing Catalytic Oxygen Delignification for Kraft Pulp: Kinetic Study of Lignin Oxidation with Polyoxometalate Anions.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2005 . Vol. 44, nro 12, pp. 4284-4291.
Electronic publication   http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/article.cgi/iecred/2005/44/i12/html/ie048836o.html
Keywords: kraft pulp, oxygen delignification, bleaching, polyoxometalate, reaction kinetics, catalyst

Saariaho, Anna-Maija; Argyropoulos, Dimitris S.; Jääskeläinen, Anna-Stiina; Vuorinen, Tapani
Development of the partial least squares models for the interpretation of the UV resonance Raman spectra of lignin model compounds.
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2005 . Vol. 37, pp. 111-121.
Electronic publication   http://www.extenza-eps.com/extenza/loadPDF?objectIDValue=65828 Keywords: Condensed structures, Conjugated structures, Lignin model compounds, Monomer type, Partial least square model, UV resonance, Raman spectroscopy

Strlic, M.; Selih, V.S.; Kolar, J.; Kocar, D.; Pihlar, B.; Ostrowski, R.; Marczak, J.; Strzelec, M.; Marincek, M.; Vuorinen, T.; Johansson, L.S.
Optimisation and on-line acoustic monitoring of laser cleaning of soiled paper.
Applied Physics A, 2005 . Vol. 81, pp. 943-951.
Keywords: paper, laser cleaning, UV Raman spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, chemiluminiscence, acoustic monitoring

Vikman, Katri; Iitti, Hanna; Matousek, Pavel; Towrie, Michael; Parker, Anthony W.; Vuorinen, Tapani
Kerr gated resonance Raman spectroscopy in light fastness studies of ink jet prints.
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2005 . Vol. 37, pp. 123-131.
Electronic publication   http://www.sciencedirect.com
Keywords: ink jet, resonance Raman spectroscopy, Kerr gate, light fastness


Raportit, konferenssiesitelmät yms.


Andresen, M.; Stenstad, P.; Schult, T.; Tanem, B.S.; Stenius, P.
Surface silylation and rheological properties of microfibrillated wood pulp.
Nanomat - Birkeland Conference 2005, Trondheim, Norway, June 2-3, 2005. p. 1.
Keywords: cellulose, microfibrillar, silylation, rheology, wood pulp

Andresen, M.; Stenstad, P.; Schult, T.; Tanem, B.S.; Stenius, P.
Surface silylation and rheological properties of microfibrillated wood pulp.
The Japanese-European Workshop on Cellulose and Functional Polysaccharides 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 12-14, 2005. p. 1.
Keywords: cellulose, microfibrillar, silylation, rheology, wood pulp

Andresen, M.; Stenstad, P.; Schult, T.; Tanem, B.S.; Stenius, P.
Surface silylation and rheological properties of microfibrillated wood pulp.
19th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Geilo, Norway, September 18-23, 2005. p. 1.
Keywords: cellulose, microfibrillar, silylation, rheology, wood pulp

Kontturi, Eero; Thüne, Peter; Alexeev, Alexander; Niemantsverdriet, J.W.
Open films of nanosized cellulose.
Japanese-European Workshop on Cellulose and Functional Polysaccharides, Wien, 11.-14.9.2005. 2 p..
Keywords: open films, cellulose, atomic force microscopy

Kontturi, Eero; Thüne, Peter; Niemantsverdriet, J.W.
Trimethylsilyl cellulose/polystyrene (TMSC/PS) blends as a means to prepare cellulose domains on cellulose.
13th International Symposium of Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry, Auckland, Uusi-Seelanti, 16-19.5.2005. Victoria, Australia 2005 , Appita Inc., pp. 203-208.
Keywords: polymer blends, cellulose, atomic force microscopy

Ruuttunen, Kyösti; Vuorinen, Tapani
Kinetic aspects of lignin oxidation by polyoxometalate anions in pulp suspensions.
13th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre, and Pulping Chemistry, Auckland, Uusi-Seelanti, 16.-19.5.2005. Australia 2005 , Appita inc., pp. 285-290.
Keywords: bleaching, oxygen delignification, kinetics, polyoxometalate, catalyst

Ruuttunen, Kyösti; Vuorinen, Tapani
Polyoxometalates as catalysts in oxygen bleaching.
2005 International Pulp Bleaching Conference. Tukholma 2005 , SPCI (Swedish Association of Pulp and Paper Engineers) ja STFI-Packforsk AB, pp. 87-92.
Keywords: polyoxometalate, oxygen bleaching, delignification, reaction kinetics, catalyst

Stenstad, P.; Syverud, K., Tanem, B.S.; Moe, S.; Andresen, M.; Stenius, P.
Chemical surface modification of cellulose microfibrillae.
5th Biennal Johan Gullichsen Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, November 17, 2005. pp. 83-88.
Keywords: cellulose, microfibrillar, surface modification, wood pulp

Syverud, K.; Schult, T.; Stenstad, P.M.; Tanem, B.S.; Stenius, P.
Chemical modification on surface of cellulose microfibrils.
The Japanese-European Workshop on Cellulose and Functional Polysaccharides 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 12-14, 2005. p. 1.
Keywords: cellulose, microfibrillar, surface modification, wood pulp

Tammelin, Tekla: Österberg, Monika: Laine, Janne
Affinity of dissolved carbohydrates towards different fibre components studied by QCM-D.
229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, USA, March 13-17 2005. 2005 , Americal Chemical Society, CELL-245.
Keywords: QCM-D, cellulose, lignin, wood extractives, dissolved hemicelluloses

Tammelin, Tekla: Österberg, Monika: Saarinen Terhi: Johansson, Leena-Sisko: Laine, Janne
Development of model surfaces for different pulp fibre components.
13th ISWFPC, Auckland, New Zealand, 16-19 May 2005. 2005 , Appita, pp. 59-66.
Keywords: QCM-D, cellulose, lignin, wood extractives, TMP

Toikka, Katri; Pekkanen, Lauri; Jääskeläinen, Anna-Stiina; Vuorinen, Tapani; Vehmaa, Janne; Pikka, Olavi
Efficient chlorine dioxide bleaching of eucalyptus kraft pulp in laboratory scale.
2005 International Pulp Bleaching Conference. 2005 , STFI-Packforsk and SPCI, 259-261.
Keywords: eucalyptus kraft pulp, hexenuronic acid, acid hydrolysis, mixing, chlorine dioxide

Vuorinen, Tapani
Studies on unsaturated structures in lignin, extractives and polysaccharides by UV resonance Raman spectroscopy.
COST Action E41 Workshop: Spectrometric Techniques Used for the Analysis of Carbohydrates, Lignin and Extractives, Barcelona, Spain, April 25 - 26, 2005. Abstract, 1 p..
Keywords: carbohydrate, lignin, extractive, UV Raman spectroscopy

Vuorinen, Tapani; Jääskeläinen, Anna-Stiina; Lehtimaa, Tuula; Toikka, Katri; Zhou, Zhen
Fundamentals and characteristics of modern hardwood pulp bleaching.
ABTCP-PI 2005: 38th Pulp and Paper International Congress & Exhibition, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 17 - 20, 2005.
Electronic publication   (CD-ROM)
Keywords: eucalyptus, kraft pulp, bleaching, lignin, hexenuronic acid

Österberg, Monika; Koljonen, Krista; Johansson, Leena-Sisko
Detecting wood extractives on pulp fibre surfaces using AFM and ESCA.
13th ISWFPC, Auckland, New Sealand, 16-19.5.2005. Victoria, Australia 2005 , Appita Inc., pp. 69-74.
Keywords: wood extractives, ESCA, AFM, fibre surfaces

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